Visitor Measures
• If you are displaying any symptoms of Covid-19 such as a persistent cough, fever or change of sense of taste/smell then you should not attend any market. You should self-isolate in line with government guidance.
We have created an online marketplace where you can purchase all your favourite artisan products at #ArtisansOnline instead of visiting the outdoor market.
• Please adhere to the one way and queuing guidance, and at all times maintain a 2m distance from others.
• Please do not handle goods unless you intend to purchase them.
• Please pay by a contactless method when possible.
• Please dispose of your litter in the bins provided.
• Please use the hand sanitising stations before and after you spend time at the market.
General Measures – The Market Co Staff:
- Each trader will be provided with a 3x3m gazebo or space for their own 3x3m gazebo – this will ensure 2m distancing from neighbouring traders and the public.
- Gazebos will be positioned to create as much space as possible to enable the public to queue at 2m safe distances and freedom of movement maintaining 2m distancing.
- Where possible there will be a one-way system in operation again to facilitate 2m distancing and floor markings to encourage queue direction and 2m spacing at streetfood stalls.
- The Market Co will provide hand sanitising stations at entry and exit points of each market for public use. These will be cleaned regularly.
- The Market Co will remove all seating from streetfood area to limit dwell time and maintain 2m distancing.
- All equipment/infrastructure will be cleaned prior to start and at the end of the market day.
- All infrastructure staff will wear, masks, gloves and goggles. Management staff will wear masks and gloves at all times.
General Measures – Artisan Traders:
- Traders must use the space within the gazebo to ensure 2m distancing from neighbours and public.
- Al traders must have completed their own risk assessment.
- Each 6x3m gazebo will have a full side separating the two halves.
- All traders will be required to wear masks or visors provided by The Market Co.
- All traders must have adequate hand washing/sanitizing, disinfectant spray (foodsafe for food products BS EN 1276 or 13697) & gloves available on their stall.
- Contactless payments as preferred method of taking payments, all cash transfers must be sanitized.
- All food products to be pre-packaged as individually wrapped were possible. This is also preferred for non-food items were possible.
- Samples only available if Covid Secure Risk assessment approved by The Market Co.
- Streetfood traders to add condiments to products for the customer.
- All surfaces that can be touched by the public to be cleaned regularly.
General Measures
- Any trader displaying any symptoms of Covid-19 such as a persistent cough, fever or change of sense of taste/smell should not appear at any market. They should self-isolate in line with government guidance.
- Cleanliness and appearance of your stall, products and stall holders will now more than ever be scrutinised by members of the public. Smoking is not allowed anywhere within the market site during opening times. Traders and staff who do smoke must do this a reasonable distance away from their stall (ideally out of site of the public) with hand sanitising protocols followed immediately after.
- Traders must maintain social distancing guidelines wherever possible. This includes during setup and takedown.
- Until further notice all stall rents must be paid in advance. This is non-negotiable and traders who do not pay upfront will not be allowed onto an event.
- We expect markets to be under an intense amount of scrutiny as all businesses will be as they reopen. It will only be by sticking to these guidelines that we will be able to build confidence in the public and the authorizing bodies.
These guidelines will no doubt change and adapt as we learn more about the virus and restrictions begin to be lifted.
We will follow Government recommendations and update accordingly.
Monday 11th August 2020